Inside the World of Acendia

“The thunder shook the ground, lightning illuminating the landscape if but for a second. Standing feet away from, a pale face of a ghoul struck fear into the party that stood in front of it.

“It’s hungry, feed it!” shouted

Epics of Fate

Epics of Fate is a lightest-touch, high fantasy, boffer LARP with quite a few things that set it out from the rest. The game is going to be hosting it's first game soon and has loads to be excited about!

Conflict of Ithea

Conflict of Ithea is a high realism, full immersion, fantasy-based LARP; where there is no magic but healing. The game is kicking off its first game this April and boasts a lot of things to be excited for! Six factions …

ODUCon banner

My First ODUCon Experience

I went to ODUCon for the first time this year, and I can say that I thoroughly enjoyed the event. Growing up in a very traditional Middle Eastern American household, there were many traditions that I had to adhere to, …

Weekend Warrior

Weekend Warrior is a high realism medieval experience usually held annually with this year being in Greenville, North Carolina.

Photo by Nicholas Bruno

Hundreds of years ago, the great king, Alirion, united the lands of Olaran. War-torn kingdoms, tribes, and

Eldritch LARP

Eldritch is a limited run, medieval, low-fantasy LARP that I usually describe as "Game of Thrones" meets "Call of Cthulhu".

My favorite thing about Eldritch is that it has a plan.  The game runners decided the game would take place

Outbound Hope Review

Photos by M. Payne, and used from For more, visit

Mission Overview:

About a month ago I had the absolute joy of participating in Quest Adventure Gaming’s pioneer blockbuster LARP event The Outbound Hope Mission. The game took …

Scapegoat Review

Note: This is just my opinion of the game. Everyone had a unique experience. I did not have a material connection to the game.

This was an incredibly unique, ambitious, and a groundbreaking event.

Imagine a world where a magical …

Building A Boffer Warrior

Introduction: Boffer Larps mostly focus on heavy mechanics and rulesets that players follow to initiate in-game advancements and actions. The smallest thing like eating a meal has an effect on your character's status. In these games when monsters attack the