Some May Consider Themselves Prisoners, To Me It’s My God Given Fate
I feel compelled to transcribe this story, of my journey to a hospital and how I came to find myself here… in this castle, which has seemingly become …
Some May Consider Themselves Prisoners, To Me It’s My God Given Fate
I feel compelled to transcribe this story, of my journey to a hospital and how I came to find myself here… in this castle, which has seemingly become …
CHARIOT Larp is a sci-fi live action adventure in a universe of continuity. Created and run by The Geek Initiative, the CHARIOT universe details the formation, launch, and travel of a space program in a post-apocalyptic world.
Name: Chariot Inventa
Dates: September 29th 10AM-2Pm
Location: Online
Parent Company: Geek Initiative
Special Notes: This is a spin-off event of pre-existing lore. Safety briefing before the game.
Proposed Plot: As a plot tie in with the physical
Name: Chariot: Adventum
Dates: September 29th 2019, 10AM-2PM
Location: Adventure Pub, 190 Massachusetts Ave, Arlington, MA 02474
Parent Company: GeekInitiative
Special Notes: This is a spin-off event of pre-existing lore. Participants will be required to sign a “Safety